5 Recycling Strategies That Work Around the World

Recycling Strategies

5 Recycling Strategies That Work Around the World

Although we are in the 21st century, many countries are still not implementing recycling strategies efficiently. However, there are some who are leading the way in this matter.

These strategies can range from the separation of garbage at source to the economic incentive to recycle. Which greatly helps the objective of reducing pollution and therefore, the care of planet earth.

Today we want to talk to you about the five recycling strategies that are working in the world and that are a good example for other countries. As well as how recycling is in Arizona, United States.

5 Countries With The Best Recycling Strategies That Work

Around the world we need recycling strategies to reduce environmental impact, and these five countries are leading the charge. It is important to note that these strategies are not the same everywhere, since each country has its own characteristics and needs. However, these five examples show that it is possible to be successful with recycling.

  • Sweden
  • Japan
  • Switzerland
  • South Korea
  • Wales

1.   Sweden: From waste to energy

The Nordic countries are pioneers in recycling strategies and the sustainable treatment of municipal and industrial waste. In particular, Sweden is an expert in the separation and reuse of remains, thanks to the high level of commitment of its citizens, who participate in the process from their own homes.

Waste-to-energy systems are the recycling strategies in Sweden, using the incineration of non-recyclable waste to produce energy that powers the country’s 250,000 households while significantly reducing waste and emissions. The recycling rate is so satisfactory that it needs to import waste from other countries to keep its factories operating at full capacity throughout the year.

2. Japan: Optimized separation

Thoroughness is one of the recycling strategies in Japan. Japanese citizens are in charge of classifying their own remains, and they are the ones who pre-process and classify them so that a few days later followed strict and planned collection methods

recycling strategies in japan

For example, plastic containers must be stored clean, unlabeled and folded to take up minimal space or a large amount of waste, user data is properly labeled and who is responsible for its proper disposal. Japanese people’s recycling habits are so ingrained that there are no recycling bins on city streets, because everyone is responsible for disposing of their own scraps at home. What incredible recycling strategies.

3. Switzerland: waste reduction

One of the countries that best understands the importance of the circular economy is Switzerland. This alpine country is an example of citizen awareness through training and national policy, one of the recycling strategies in the country. 

In this case, efforts are focused on promoting the reduction of waste from non-recyclable elements through measures such as single bags. To dispose of this type of garbage, you must buy the most expensive “official” garbage bags, and recycling is free.

This reduces the production of non-recyclable garbage by about 90 kg per person per year for 20 years. With such recycling strategies, they managed to recycle 93% of glass bottles or 91% of aluminum cans, as well as being the first to recycle organic waste used to make compost.

4. South Korea: The Problem of Produced Food

According to the World Economic Forum, about a third of the food produced in the world is lost or wasted, which also contributes to the high cost of greenhouse gas emissions. In South Korea, they want to tackle food scraps with an ambitious plan that combines recycling strategies, deterrence with heavy investments in technology.

As in Switzerland, the bags used to recycle organic waste have a special rate during the recycling process, they are biodegradable. In addition, they are stored in containers, each of which is weighed, you must indicate yours in the identity of the container for subsequent payment per kilo.

So the more you deposit, the more you pay out. In this way, food waste has been reduced from 130 kg per person per year to less than 11 kg. Fertilizer for crops is produced from the collected organic waste, as well as food for livestock and biogas for combustion. So these recycling strategies have emerged a positive effect for the country.

5. Wales: Education and active policies

The country of the United Kingdom has increased its recycling rate from 5% of household waste to 64% in just 20 years. This makes it one of the highest recycling rates in Europe, and it is expected to continue improving its brand until it becomes the world leader in this aspect. They made it possible thanks to an ambitious program with recycling strategies that involved citizens and companies from the government sector.

The goal is to provide the public with a well-designed structure that makes simple recycling systems more accessible to society, a broad promotional campaign to make the 3R program a priority for waste management, and an incentive and policy agenda. 

Recycling strategies that facilitate the rapid adaptation of its citizens. In fact, this country works to recycle materials that cannot yet be recycled, such as mattresses or diapers.

Recycling in Arizona, United States

Home recycling strategies are designed to help reduce the volume of waste generated in American homes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each American produces about four pounds of food scraps per day. Most of this garbage can be recycled at home.

recycling in arizona united states

The strategies in Arizona go hand in hand with strategies on a national level. Agencies in Arizona encourage citizens to recycle the material they generate in their homes and businesses. 

For example, the agencies offer recycling stations throughout the state, as well as separate collection programs to help reduce the volume of garbage that is generated.

Arizonans also make it possible to recycle materials that are generated in the state, thanks to recycling strategies that are in place in accordance with state policy. For example, the state has recycling stations for recycling glass, paper, and plastic.


Recycling Agency in Arizona

A recycling agency is that state or local establishment, authorized by the government, in charge of collecting and processing urban solid waste. The Arizona Recycling Agency is made up of a professional team dedicated to promoting recycling in Arizona through recycling strategies. Juniors Recycling is one of these agencies and they have the experience and commitment to help Arizona become a leading recycling state.

In conclusion, recycling strategies are a set of measures that can be taken to encourage recycling. Some strategies are more effective than others, but they all contribute to a common goal: recycling to protect the environment. If you’re looking for recycling strategies that work in Arizona, these are the best. And at Juniors Recycling we can help you. Contact us now!


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