10 Ideas to make crafts with aluminum

recycled aluminum

10 Ideas to make crafts with aluminum

Among the crafts with aluminum, you can include aluminum cans are very practical when it comes to being recycled. You can make many incredible things, whether for the home, for a company, for a garden, a party decoration and much more.

Ingenuity leads to awareness and protection of the environment. That is why it is important to recycle properly. However, with this type of aluminum can be used in many ideas for crafts, either with children at home, at school, but always with safety first.

If you want to see what are the crafts with aluminum that we bring for you, keep reading.

10 cool crafts with aluminum cans

There are many sizes of aluminum cans, and with them you can use your imagination. Here we will show you 10 great ideas of how you can use recycled aluminum, especially aluminum cans and make crafts with them.

But first, it is essential to explain that for each idea, you must wash the cans very well, let them dry, paint them as you wish or decorate them. You must manipulate them with great care. Now, let’s see what we have for you.

Crafts with aluminum Nº 1: Flowerpots

With large cans, either paint or other product, after being well disinfected. We have several options, but today we will show you at least one.

Materials needed:

– Large can

– Glue

– Fabric strips

– Small brush or paintbrush

– Paint


Take the clean can, paint it with the color you like best, it can be brown, and with several white or green fabric ribbons, you can glue it around the can and give a nice touch to your flower pot.

Crafts with aluminum Nº 2: Vases

For the vases, you can choose small elongated cans.

Materials to use:

– Elongated clean can

– White paint

– Small brush or paintbrush

– Colored wallpaper or flowers

– Glue


Take the can, paint it with the brush or paintbrush, this to give more protection to the can. Take the glue and paste the colored wallpaper or flowers, let it dry and use it for artificial or natural flowers.

Crafts with aluminum Nº 3: Cooking containers

Kitchen pots are always needed for sugar, salt, coffee and others. Today we will show you how to make such crafts from recycled aluminum.

Materials to use:

– 3 cans of different sizes, with plastic lids.

– White paint

– Medium joke

– Waterproof napkins

– Glue

– EVA rubber

– 3 plastic caps

– Scissors

– Silicone stick

– Silicone gun


Start by painting the 3 cans, when you let it dry, use the napkin to make the decoupage technique, pour some glue on the line of the can and stick the napkin little by little until you do it all around (you can choose the type of napkin you like).

After it is completely dry, take the EVA rubber, place the can on top and cut 2 circles the size of the base of the can or the lid, also cut strips to line the plastic caps.

Then, with the silicone glue the circles on the base and the lid and the Eva rubber strips cover the caps, then glue each cap on each lid and that’s it, your kitchen containers are beautiful.

crafts recycled aluminum

Crafts with aluminum Nº 4: Hairbrush Holder

With a large can, you can decorate the can with anything you want. From wallpaper, or foami, or simply make any drawing you like. Decorate them with ribbons or fabric lace, remember to line the inside, so you avoid accidents with the can.

Crafts with aluminum Nº 5: Brush and pencil holders

You can choose different sizes of cans, painted in a nice color like blue. Place fun stickers and identify each can. For example: where the colors, brushes, even scissors and other school supplies go. This way you can make your organizer beautiful and very practical.


Crafts with aluminum Nº 6: Lamp

We can find different lamps that can be made with an aluminum can, but today we will show you a very simple one to make.

Materials to use:

– Large can

– Paint of your favorite color

– Paintbrush

– Drill

– LED lights or bulb with its socket


Once the can is clean, you can turn it upside down, then take the drill and drill holes in and around the base. Then, clean the can of the dust that has been left by opening the holes and paint the can completely.

After drying, place the lights or the bulb with its socket and turn it on. Ready, this is how your lamp looks like. Amazing!

Crafts with aluminum Nº 7: Kitchen cutlery holder

Materials to use:

– 6 medium sized cans

– 2 wooden bases

– Paint

– Paintbrush

– Sandpaper

– Silicon stick

– Silicone gun

– Unused strap


Take the 6 cans already cleaned; paint them on the outside and inside. Choose the 2 wooden bases, sand, then you can paint and glue them. Then place the wood in the middle of the 6 cans (leaving 3 cans on each side). Then glue the cans to the wood with the silicone.

Then place the strap around the can and cut another piece of strap, to place it on top of the wood (to be a grip). And  it is ready, the decoration is up to you.


Crafts with aluminum Nº 8: Scented candle holders

This type of ideas are very simple, choose the cans you like, depending on the size of the candle. You can make holes, or simply place the candles inside the can already decorated to your liking and ready, light them. Any idea you have to make figures with recycled aluminum will look great in the candle holders.

crafts with aluminum

Crafts with aluminum Nº 9: Umbrella Holder

Materials to use:

– 3 large cans

– Can opener

– Silicone stick

– Silicone gun

– Adhesive tape

– Paint

– Paintbrush

– Materials to decorate as you like


First, take 2 cans and cut the bases, then glue one on top of the can that has the base, then glue the other can that was left with the silicone. With the adhesive tape, place it around the marks where the cans meet.

Then paint them and decorate as you like. Ready, put the umbrella or parasol holder at the entrance of your house. In this way, you will not forget them.


Crafts with aluminum Nº 10: Party favors

There are many options to make cute gifts for the holidays or simply if you want to make a gift. From small cans and decorate them with hearts, cartoons, the cutest Disney princesses, or any other character you like.

In conclusion, you can make crafts with aluminum, as well as with aluminum cans to do many things. Cheer up, you will contribute to the preservation of our beautiful planet.

You can also request an aluminum recycling service in Mesa AZ, for this you can contact us directly, Juniors Recycling.


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