10 Crafts with recycling for children

crafts with recycling

10 Crafts with recycling for children

There are many ideas of crafts with recycling, where you can integrate children. In fact, through fun activities you can teach them the importance of taking care of the environment, and keep them busy in a good way.

It is very easy to stimulate their imagination and develop their cognitive and motor skills, in this post you will see the importance of recycling in children and some great ideas to encourage their development and intelligence. Besides helping them to love the environment. Learn fun crafts with recycling.

Benefit for children when making crafts with recycling

Children absorb quickly what they are taught, educate them through habits, and show them in a practical way the importance of recycling material. Therefore, it is essential to help them with the example of how they can develop an ecological conscience, since they are the relay generation. 

Thus, stop being compulsive generators of garbage and instead recycle, reuse, and give use to those things we have at home, instead of throwing them away. If they make crafts. With recycling, it will encourage love for the planet and imagination.


10 ideas of Crafts with recycling for children

Excellent opportunity to educate children and share with the family, one of the best ways to do it is to make crafts with recycling, do not miss it.

Sock puppets

It will be great fun for children to use their torn socks to create a character or animal that their imagination allows them to create. They can be used to make puppets, with the support of other materials such as buttons, felt, wool, glue, thread and scissors. 

Here comes into play the creativity of devising a character to dress and personality according to the type of representation. Exceptional for making your crafts with recycling.

Centipede with egg carton

Other crafts with recycling. You can reuse wires that are at home, transform the egg carton by cutting it into two equal parts and then paint it with bright colors. 

Make holes in the front part for the antennae and in the lower part for the legs. Even before joining the parts together to put them on, you can decorate them to your liking. It can also be transformed into a caterpillar, so you will have a decorative object.

Bag with old jeans

fun crafts with recycling. As it is a hard and very resistant fabric, children will need more collaboration from adults. An old jean is chosen to design the model and at the same time learn how to sew. To decorate it, creativity is necessary, since other materials can be used, such as buttons, flowers, ribbons, zippers. Everything will depend on who is making it, the steps should be very simple.

Pen made from a tin can

Super crafts with recycling.. For some people, a can is a familiar place to put the pencils. For children to enjoy the activity, get a can that is clean and in good condition. To make sure it is not dangerous, check if there are no protruding ends that could hurt or injure the child. You should have at hand beautiful designs and paints that allow the children’s imagination to fly and achieve beautiful things.

Planters with recycled plastic bottles

Magnificent crafts with recycling. The first thing to do is to get clean plastic bottles in good condition with their respective caps, thread, a scalpel or scissors. The necessary cuts are made to give shape to the edge and to have a great variety of models. The middle is calculated and cut, taking care not to leave protruding pieces that could hurt the child. Holes are made in the cap of the bottle to let the water out and to hang it there.

planters with recycled plastic bottles

Photo frames with cardboard and magazines

Amazing crafts with recycling. Old magazines can be put to good use instead of throwing them away, with a lot of creativity and few materials you can make beautiful frames. You need glue, cardboard, all kinds of magazines, and scissors. It all depends on the size you want, whether they are short or long rolls. Put glue on the end so that the roll is firm, glue the photos and the rolls on a rectangle of cardboard.


Vases with glass jars

The jars of jam or preserves, can be reused and be very nice and ideal for packaging homemade candies to give as gifts. You can use labels, acrylic paints, and any stencil that can be used for an original decoration. Once they are decorated according to the taste and imagination of the children, they can be displayed on any shelf in the kitchen.


Flowers with plastic

Plastic flowers made from recycled materials are not very common, it is necessary to look for suitable materials that are practical. In this case, the plastic caps of all kinds of bottles, glue, white sheets and all kinds of figures. Recycling Paper and rolls are made and cut into small cubes, painted in the favorite color, glue is applied and that’s it, we have plastic flowers with recycled materials.

plastic flowers recycled materials


New waxes with residues of old waxes

This proposal for children is new, fun, curious and unusual; they look for all the pieces of wax that are broken or have been left behind. They are classified by color and placed in silicone molds that can be of different shapes. You can even mix the colors according to your taste by letting your creativity flow and bake them in the oven for 30 minutes.

Cardboard cart

It is great fun for the little ones to be able to make their own car and let their imagination run wild to accessorize it using their creativity. The materials you should have available are a large cardboard box, glue, scissors, colors, cardboard plates. Then the pieces are made according to the model of the vehicle you want and assembled.

Is it educational to make crafts with recycling for children?

If you choose any of these ideas and put them into practice with your children, you will see that it will be very educational for them. Because it is a way to raise awareness during the process and make them understand where the materials we use every day at home come from and why we reuse them. 

At the same time, we do not pollute the environment, and we are not part of the solution, i.e. recycling. So strengthen your children’s imagination with recycling crafts.

If you need to do recycling, and you don’t know how, at Juniors recycling, we can help you. Contact us soon.


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