Ecosystem services and how they impact the environment

ecosystem services

Ecosystem services and how they impact the environment

Discover the diversity of benefits that ecosystem services bring us and how recycling services impact the environment

Ecosystem services are very important for life on the planet, and help human life to have what it needs to sustain itself on earth. For example, they provide us with water, clean air, food and many other benefits.

Precisely, without ecosystem services, the earth and human life would not exist. We must recognize that natural resources do not last forever, and we must be conscious of how we use these resources to our advantage.

In fact, if effective recycling services were put in place in every country in the world. For sure, pollution would be much less and a healthier life on earth would be maintained. Let’s see more about this  interesting topic.

What are ecosystem services?

Ecosystem services are all those benefits that the ecosystem provides, not only to human beings, but also to companies. Therefore, the ecosystem is made up of all living beings, whether animal, plant, as well as microorganisms.

On the other hand, the environment that surrounds the living beings is also involved, from the seas, rivers, and the terrestrial area. It is important to emphasize that without a healthy ecosystem we cannot survive, although in many occasions, the human being ignores this detail.

For this reason, it is recommended to organize recycling services, because they help to prevent natural resources from being depleted. Taking into account that if the ecosystem is altered; it would bring serious consequences to the ecosystemic services provided by this community of living organisms.

What are ecosystem services?

According to biologists who fully study the environment, they indicate that they can be classified into four groups, according to the benefits we obtain through ecosystem services:

Supporting or supporting services

These are the most basic ecosystem services, but extremely important for life. Habitat, biodiversity, and natural ecosystem processes are found, for example:

– Nutrient cycling

It is the change of movement of organic and inorganic matter, which then returns to living matter.

– Soil formation

It is the transformation of rocks, where they are separated into much smaller parts and then mixed with the decomposing organic substance.

– Photosynthesis

This is when sunlight helps convert inorganic matter into organic matter, i.e. without photosynthesis neither plants nor animals would exist. Which, is extremely indispensable for life on the planet.

Provisioning services

They are called supply ecosystem services, because they do not give all kinds of food, water, energy, wood, fiber, substance for the production of medicines, raw materials, among other products.

Regulating services

They are influential services that help in the purification of air, water, climate, disease control. Also in soil fertility and pollination that benefits crops.

Precisely, that is why they are called regulating ecosystem services, because nature itself maintains the control and order of the entire ecosystem.

Cultural services

These ecosystem services are intangible, but which help to maintain a calmer and more peaceful life. Among which are open spaces for sports, for recreation, appreciation of beautiful landscapes and other general aspects of culture.

As we have noticed, the ecosystem services offered by the ecosystem are many, it is up to us to help maintain them forever and one way is to place recycling services in every key point of the country.

Benefits of ecosystem services

There are many benefits provided by the ecosystem, some of which we have already seen. But what other benefits do they give us humans? Here are:

benefits ecosystem services

Better quality of life

Undoubtedly, without the ecosystem, human life would not be the same, because they provide us with everything for life, from water, air, and shelter. As well as, we benefit from its beautiful landscapes and that many times the human being uses to recreate and feel inspired through art.

We have a meaningful life, despite the problems of the world, nature is a representation of the peace and love of the creator.

Basis for good economy

Without raw materials, companies would be unable to produce and manufacture products necessary for human life and for companies to provide jobs for people. Hence, the economy in the world would not be sustained.

Natural management

Nature was created to cleanse itself, and we see that through the water cycle, which purifies itself, as well as the purification of the air. Undoubtedly, without natural environmental management, there would be much more pollution. However, proper functioning provides us with clean air and clean water.

Therefore, let us help to continue having efficient ecosystem services for many years to come; with the management of recycling services, we can generate environmental awareness in all the people who inhabit the planet earth.

Impact of recycling on the environment

Recycling services are essential for the environment because, they cooperate to prevent the loss of natural resources, soil contamination, and protect soils and the entire ecosystem from the extreme activities of humans and industries.

impact recycling environment

Today, recycling companies in Mesa are aware that this activity is vital to life on earth and the health of the planet. If there were no proper recycling management, all the waste would go into the seas and rivers, thus affecting living beings.

Juniors Recycling AZ, is a company interested and specialized in recycling, and will help you with your household garbage. Contact us soon, and we will support you in everything related to recycling.

In conclusion, we can say that ecosystem services are essential for life on planet earth. But also, it is important to make a correct management of the ecosystem in order not to deplete its natural resources.

And that process can be done through recycling. So, do not hesitate to consume water and energy responsibly and of course generate less waste and recycle at home. This way you will show more sense and help others to be environmentally conscious as well.

Recycling will help maintain stable ecosystem services for life – DON’T stop doing it, well your life and ours is at risk!


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