Games with recycled materials for the kids

games for children with recycled materials

Games with recycled materials for the kids

Know the games with recycled materials more fun you can do with your children

Are you looking for what to do with the children at home? In this pandemic it is important to keep children busy and what better way to do games with recycled materials, is a way to strengthen your brain and be able to take care of the environment.

There are a diversity of games with recycling which will surely make the fun overflow at home and if you can do many of these, each day you will be able to play with a different one. We must take good care of the health of our children and what better way than to help them learn about the importance of recycling at home.

Here you can find how to do games with recycled materials and thus spend quality time with your children. Keep reading this post.

6 Games for children with recycled materials

The education of children comes first from home, and a simple way is by helping them to do games with recycled materials that they can use whenever they want, both at home and also encourage them to create these games with recycling at school.

1. Memory games

One of the games with recycled materials, the simplest are the cardboard-based memory games. You can cut out squares of the same size, such as 9 cm x 9 cm, by matching pictures and words, or pictures and pictures, also pictures and numbers.

We flip a square and look for its partner. Are games with recycled materials that helps the memory of your children and ours as well.

2. Games with recycled materials (Coordination)

These are very funny games with recycled materials, take a cardboard cylinder where the aluminum foil comes in, choose several plastic party plates. Then open a hole in all the plates in the middle to stick the cardboard cylinder, then open more holes in different places on the plates and start placing balls and move the game until all the balls fall at the end. Helps your children’s concentration.

3. Football game

Other of the games with recycled materials, what we can do for our children is to use a large rectangular cardboard box and make a kind of soccer field, drawing the shapes in the middle and opening a kind of arch at each end of the box. Also take a cardboard cylinder that can be made of toilet paper, cut it in half and glue a wooden stick, and then place small balls inside the mini field.

This type of games with recycling They help to improve the children’s skills, because they will be able to take the balls simultaneously and win the one who caught the most balls.

4. Games with recycled materials (Puzzle)

These games with recycling, they are very entertaining and help concentration. Take cardboard, cardboard or another material that you like or have to recycle. Cut a sheet of the size you want and make a drawing, it can be lines, simple, with colors, also think about the character that your child likes the most.

games with recycled materials puzzle

Later, cut the pictures into equal squares making different tabs so that they can fit together and thus assemble the puzzle. Explode your imagination and realize games with recycled materials of puzzles you want the most.

5. Games with recycled materials (Mazes)

The games with recycled materials in the form of labyrinths, they encourage analysis and reasoning of children. You can form a large square with the recycling material you like, for example if it is with cardboard, draw any type of maze on the bottom of the box, from the simplest to the most difficult, then you can stick different colored straws where drew the lines of the maze. So they will spend a great family day with this type of games with recycling.

6. Games with recycled materials (Triqui or X zero)

It’s one of the games with recycled materials better known in many countries, here in the United States it is called Equis cero, triki traka or Tic-Tac-Toe. To do this, you can choose a strong material, cut a square and paint it white or black and divide them into nine squares of the same size and on the other hand, make circles and paint it in a different color than the square, in the circles draw Xs and circles. Ready to play!

The importance of teach children how to recycle

When recycling is encouraged in children, they develop many of the qualities that help them grow as a better person and become responsible adults. In fact when performing games with recycled materials support children’s mental progress in positive ways.

Also by teaching them to create games with recycling promotes the need to take care of planet earth, such as reusing and recycling materials as much as possible. Do not litter the streets with garbage, place the garbage in the corresponding containers and also the desire to fight against environmental pollution is fueled.

importance of recycling at home

Children are unique little people, experts say that at an early age it is important to feed their little minds with very good things and that little by little they will follow a wonderful course in their learning. Therefore, do not stop helping them through fun, educational and teaching activities such as recycling as a family.

In conclusion, we can mention that helping children to design games with recycled materials, It helps them a lot in their maturity progress. For this reason, it is vital to continue fostering love for the land where we live. Thus, they will grow up with very beautiful qualities such as kindness and responsibility.

So, do not immediately discard what you no longer use, you can use your imagination and that of your children and continue teaching the importance of recycling at home. For sure, they will love it, and they will enjoy a good time.

If you want to recycle in Mesa, you can contact us through the contact form.

At Juniors Recycling AZ, we are your recycling ally in Mesa, Arizona!


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