Global warming and the diseases it causes

global warming

Global warming and the diseases it causes

The pollution diseases they are given by a consequence of global warming. However, until a few years ago it was still thought that climate change was science fiction, despite the fact that scientists and environmentalists investigate day by day they have discovered new causes that affect this planet.

Events such as sea level rise, glacial melting, variable rainfall, and extreme weather behavior over time cannot be ignored.

All of this forces problems to be balanced, stimulating local and global action, and instituting public policies to avoid an imminent disaster. Global warming is drastically altering the planet’s biodiversity.

Therefore, the spread of pathogens that cause dengue, malaria, asthma, tuberculosis, Ebola, yellow fever, cholera epidemics, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, low body temperature, trachoma, plague and other diseases is accelerating.

All of them are linked to heat waves, lack of drinking water, and the spread of pests and floods.

What is the global warming?

The global warming it is a global change in the Earth’s climate. This variation is due to natural and anthropic causes and occurs in all climatic parameters: temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, etc., on different time scales.

The almost universal scientific consensus today is that the way we produce and consume energy is causing global warming with dire consequences for the planet and socio-economic systems.

Global warming affects us all. The potential impact is huge with anticipated shortages of clean water, major changes in food production conditions, and increased mortality from floods, storms, droughts, and heat waves.

East global warming it has been present for decades to millennia and has been observed in recent decades. The effects of climate change they are felt on all continents and oceans.”

The global warming it is not only an environmental phenomenon, but also has far-reaching economic and social consequences. The poorest countries, the least prepared for rapid change, will suffer the worst.

The most affected countries are those that are socially, economically, culturally, politically, institutionally or socially marginalized and are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Causes and consequences of global warming

Causes of global warming

Earth’s atmosphere is made up of many different gases that work to maintain a temperature suitable for life. This natural phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect.

Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to maintaining a fair share. However, human activity has increased the production of these gases, giving rise to the so-called global warming, the main cause of climate change.

As we will see later, humans are responsible for global warming and the associated greenhouse gas emissions that warm the planet. The most famous gas is carbon dioxide, responsible for 63% of global warming, but there are others:

  • Deforestation: The timber industry, agriculture, mining and ranching are the main economic activities that cause deforestation
  • Disproportionate increase in greenhouse gas emissions: from the use of fertilizers, chemical operations in wastewater treatment, burning of fossil fuels, transportation, heating, and urban planning.
  • Accelerate population growth: The increase in population affects gas production, thus increasing the greenhouse effect.

Consequences of global warming

The consequences affect important natural processes. For example, in terms of ecology, there is a risk that wetlands will disappear. Another key point is the increase in average temperatures and the decrease in rainfall, which makes it an ideal breeding ground for fires. Here are the many consequences of global warming:

  • Carbon dioxide concentrations in the air lead to acidification and water pollution.
  • Destructive weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, rain, extreme droughts and floods.
  • Death, migration and extinction of many different animals.
  • When it comes to the oceans, many species are seeing the destruction of their habitats.
  • The presence of plastic and other pollutants in the oceans, overfishing and other destructive fishing practices have caused their disappearance. Change the water circuit.
  • As the ice melts, sea levels and global temperatures rise.
  • Diseases such as dengue and malaria appeared.
  • Depletion of natural resources necessary for human life.

There is much scientific evidence on the serious causes and consequences of global warming on our planet. So now is the time to open your eyes to this impending reality and start fighting for a better world.

Pollution Illnesses in Arizona

  • Some pollution and other illnesses can also be caused by prolonged exposure to pollution.
  • Main pollution diseases due to climate change. Here is the list:
Pollution Illnesses in Arizona
  • Respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia/pneumonia are particularly prominent.
  • Pollution can also cause viral diseases such as dengue, yellow fever or hepatitis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases are directly related to emissions from diesel engines.
  • The risk of lung cancer increases by up to 20%.
  • Radiation/radiation is extremely dangerous.
  • Long-term exposure to large amounts of substances can cause serious malignant diseases in the human body and even death.
  • Symptoms of shorter exposure may include hair loss, vomiting, and dizziness.
  • While it may sound like a joke, some mental or neurological illnesses are caused by noise pollution.
  • Insomnia, headache and other cases have been reported. Water pollution is high in communities with little or no access to clean water.
  • Diseases such as malaria are spread through this vector.
  • Millions of adults and children die each year from lack of clean water. In developed countries, nearly 2 million children die each year from diseases caused by polluted water. This water also negatively affects the flora and fauna.

Importance of recycling before the global warming

If you want to mitigate the global warming and its common diseases it is necessary to know the importance of recycling. When you recycle your waste through sorting, you prevent objects that have decomposed over the years from becoming part of the earth’s surface.

According to extensive research, recycling is one of the activities that save energy, avoid the indiscriminate use of natural resources, prolong the life of landfills and increase economic income by recycling materials such as paper, bottles, cans.

Recycling also reduces the presence of carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide in the environment, one of the factors that directly affects global warming. In addition, this activity also keeps the forests alive, which represent the most important lung of the planet.

Finally, rest assured that by recycling you are not only helping to avoid global warming, but you are also contributing to the creation of many jobs at an industrial level, in areas that give organic life to your waste.

Companies that help in recycling in a positive way

To prevent them from spreading pollution illnesses in Arizona. It is essential to contribute to the protection of the environment. Today, more and more companies are joining this green initiative to protect our planet, and your business could be one of them.

recycling company in meeting on climate change

Junior Recycling is one of the companies that you can rely on to help you with the home environment and thus take care of the planet. Our company is committed to minimizing damage to our environment.

For that reason, we want to develop clear measures and implement them in your home, business or store to recycle your waste. The pollution diseases. They should try to be avoided as much as possible.

At Junior Recycling we are at your disposal, contact us now and we will contact you as soon as possible. Let’s fight for a better future.

Relevant tag: global warming


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