Tag: Recycling curiosities

10 Curiosities about how to recycle

Top 10 curiosities about how to recycle

How to recycle? It is an excellent question that you can ask yourself. Junior Recycling is a leading company in the field of protecting the environment through the collection of recyclable materials in Arizona. So don’t think twice and join the fight and recycle now! Contribute to the environment right now.

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recycling mistakes in home

10 recycling mistakes you didn’t know

The recycling mistakes are more common than you think. At Junior Recycling we have the best recycling services in Arizona. Everything we do is focused on providing innovative, profitable and efficient services to our clients.

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recycled aluminum

10 Ideas to make crafts with aluminum

Do you have cans at home and don’t know what to do with them? Don’t worry, here we will give you great ideas to reuse them and make the most of them. This way you will learn how to make crafts with aluminum and make the planet cleaner.

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waste recycling company in Phoenix Arizona

Recycling ideas for a company

Ideas for recycling in a company. In this decade, many companies are seeking to implement strategies for waste management. They seek through informative talks to motivate their personnel to become involved in this type of activities. Generate income by commercializing waste and reusing it.

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Juniors Recycling is Moving!

Due to zoning changes, we’re relocating. We are looking for a great location to meet all country, city, state, and federal requirements. Stay tuned for updates on our new location!