Best Debris Recycling Services in Mesa, Arizona

debris recycling

Best Debris Recycling Services in Mesa, Arizona

Debris recycling is an important service that helps protect the environment. Construction and demolition waste contains hazardous materials that can harm soil, water, and the atmosphere if not managed properly.

For this reason, it is critical that building owners and builders become familiar with the construction recycling available in their area and use these services to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

In fact, they can also help reduce the costs and environmental impact of your project. Therefore, today we will look at debris recycling and the different services that a recycling center in Mesa, Arizona can offer.

What is rubble recycling?

The Debris recycling uses waste generated in construction, such as bricks, concrete, glass, wood and metal. It is a process by which these elements are separated and recycled to reuse them in construction.

Recycling rubble has numerous advantages, both for the environment and for the economy. Some main advantages are:

  • Reduction in the amount of waste deposited in landfills and increase in the useful life of these sites.
  • Reduced demand for new supplies, which reduces the environmental impact associated with their extraction and transportation.
  • Energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, since less energy is needed to recycle components than to extract and process new materials.
  • Generation of employment in the recovery and recycling sector.

Recycling process of construction materials in Mesa

This process is lengthy, because construction recycling must take into account the types of materials found on site, as well as the logistics of collection and transportation. An initial site evaluation should be done to determine the factors to be considered in the debris recycling. Below is a list of steps to follow for this type of recycling:

❖    Reception of waste

For this, you must coordinate with the debris recycling nearest Most recycling companies accept debris and construction materials, but it’s important to call and confirm before taking them. Some centers even offer free collection services for large amounts of debris.

Once the building is recycled, they can be taken there. It is recommended to take them in a truck or trailer, since they are usually quite heavy. Upon arrival at the recycling company, you will be asked to unload them in a specific area. Be sure to wear gloves and protective clothing to prevent cuts or scratches.

❖    Debris separation

Subsequently, the debris will be separated into different categories, such as: ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, wood, glass, plastics, paper and cardboard, concrete and bricks, etc. Debris collectors often have a good idea of ​​what can and cannot be recycled, but if you’re interested in the construction recycling, you can contact Juniors Recycling AZ.

❖    Trommel or cleaning drum

After the separation of the materials, the debris is fed to a machine called a trommel or cleaning drum. This machine rotates quickly and removes sand, dust and other impurities from the debris. The clean material is sent to other machines for further processing.

❖    Pneumatic separation

It is one in which motor power devices (fans) are used to classify the elements by size. This process makes use of the principle that lighter materials are blown away and deposited in one hopper, while heavier components fall into another hopper.

❖    Magnetic Separation

This process is one in which magnets are used to separate ferrous from non-ferrous components. The ferrous ones are attracted by the magnet and fall into one hopper, while the non-ferrous ones fall into another hopper.

❖    Resource classification

After the other processes, comes the classification of resources. The different elements are given a specific shape and size so that they can be reused in the construction. Recyclers use heavy machinery to do this, such as: shredders, shears, toasters, and rotary kilns. After this, the recycled materials are stored in silos or hoppers for later use in construction. These recycled elements are used as:

  • Aggregates for concrete
  • Sanitary landfills
  • Bases and subbases for highways

Thus, we can realize the importance of recycling debris and construction components in general. It is not only a way to take care of the environment, but it is also an efficient and profitable way to make use of available resources.

What is the debris recycling service?

The debris recycling offers contractors and owners the option to recycle numerous items that are generated during the construction process, such as concrete, wood, metal and plastic. The services that some construction recycling companies offer are:

❖    Waste containers

Centers of rubble recycling provide giant containers so that recyclable components can be deposited there. Containers are available in different sizes and capacities, so it’s important to coordinate with your recycling center to ensure you get the right size for your project.

❖    Excavations

If you plan to dig, there are recycling companies that perform this service that are included in the debris recycling. It will handle the entire process, from excavation to transportation and recycling of materials.

❖    Demolitions

As well as excavations, for demolitions, the recyclers also provide support in this aspect. Since, your priority is recycling debris and saving the planet. Also, because there may be electrical hazards at the time of demolitions.

debris recycling service demolition

❖    Hazardous waste management

Also be found in rubble recycling, which is why specialized recycling companies take care of this process. You will ensure that all hazardous waste is managed correctly and in accordance with established laws and regulations.

❖    Management of electrical and electronic waste

There are electrical risks when debris recycling is implemented, which is why great care must be taken. However, recycling companies are trained to manage this type of waste and provide the service to customers.

As you can see, rubble recycling is a complex process that requires specialized services. However, these services are necessary to protect the environment and guarantee the correct management of hazardous waste.

❖    Transportation

Transportation is ideal for construction recycling because recycling companies can send their trucks to pick up the materials and then take care of the recycling process. Because you will find a lot of debris and electronic, electrical and other components.

debris recycling service transportation


Recycling company in Mesa

Company Juniors Recycling AZ, located in Mesa, Arizona, offers debris recycling to help reduce environmental impact. They also buy and sell recyclable materials to help finance the recycling process. The company is committed to the environment and offers a specialized service in building recycling.

In conclusion, rubble recycling is fundamental because it reduces the environmental impact of construction, helps finance the recycling process and guarantees the correct management of hazardous waste. So, if you want to do your bit for the environment, don’t hesitate to contact Juniors Recycling AZ in Mesa, Arizona. If you want the debris recycling service, you can request more information about this type of service that we provide to our special customers.


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