Recycling in construction: what is your process?

recycling in construction

Recycling in construction: what is your process?

Is it possible to do recycling in construction? Of course, it is possible, but in the construction industry it is very difficult to recycle when demolishing a facility. It may be due to lack of knowledge or experience. But, it is important to make this management, so, you can find many materials that can be recycled.

And as time goes by, the materials that are not recycled become very harmful to the environment and that is what needs to be avoided. Precisely, recycling companies are adapting even more to this type of process.

Discover with us the importance of recycling in construction, what can be recycled and what can be sold in the state of Arizona. Read more

Importance of recycling in construction

Since construction and demolition waste accumulates in public spaces as landfill. Recycling in construction is essential in this field because it greatly reduces soil, air and water pollution.

On the other hand, it also helps to reduce the costs of new buildings, thus benefiting companies. Therefore, it is essential to separate all the materials or waste left by a construction or demolition, to be recycled and used again.

To carry out this process, it is essential to hire the services of Mesa Construction Recycling, so that it is done correctly and there are no risks at the time of making any kind of false move.


Characteristics of construction waste

Waste is all those objects or substances that are generated in a construction site. Such waste can come from public or private works, and most of them can be recovered and are recyclable.

The characteristics of waste are called homogeneous mixture, because they are made of different materials, which can be the following: concrete, iron, bricks, wood, paper, cardboard, glass and others. In fact, we can find two types of waste for recycling in construction:

1. Oil waste

They are those residues that are found in 80% of a construction, these can be asphalt, concrete, stones and ceramics.

2. Mixed waste

These are less common wastes, which are found in 20% of a construction and can be: metals, glass, wood, plastics, paper, and others.

These two types of waste can be found in any type of work and left for recycling in construction.

Materials that can be recycled in construction

The following are some of the materials that can be recovered after demolition, construction, rehabilitation, renovation, among other types of works.

1. Asphalt

The waste left over from a paving project can be reused to implement it in another paving project. In addition, it can be mixed with other materials and becomes more resistant. That is achieved by recycling in construction.

2. Concrete

Concrete is one of the largest waste materials that can be recycled, it can be used as a base for new construction as a subfloor, reducing construction costs. Therefore, recycling concrete in construction is very cost-effective.

services mesa construction recycling

3. Wood

Recycled wood can be used in different ways, for example: in structures or as raw material for the construction of panels or sheets.


4. Metals or steel

If you find window or door frames that are not in bad condition, you can give them a new use or sell them as second hand. Also, the remains of iron and steel that are found in a construction are melted to make new fabrications, in addition there is the option of becoming scrap and sell their parts.


5. Plastic (EPS)

Expanded polystyrene or EPS is a material that can also be recycled. After being crushed and compacted, EPS becomes the raw material for the manufacture of new plastic products. It can be used for finishing and even painting. This is the process of plastic recycling.


6. Glass

Recycled glass, such as windows or doors, is difficult to recycle due to its different chemical composition. However, it can still be melted down and made into fiberglass, added to asphalt or even combined into reflective paint. Broken glass can also be mixed with concrete to make granite floors and countertops.


7. Gypsum

Gypsum is a material that can be recycled and used because it maintains the same mechanical and physical characteristics as conventional gypsum, thus the cost is much lower.


8. Zinc, aluminum, packaging, fabrics, etc.

Some of these additional materials may also have options for reuse and recycling. There are other substances that are more difficult to recycle, such as paints or chemical solvents and adhesives. The latter should be handled with care to minimize the impact on the environment.

It is important to emphasize that if these wastes are not separated or disposed of correctly, our health is exposed and so is the health of our planet earth. For this reason, recycling in construction should be left to the experts.

recycling concrete construction

Construction Recycling Companies Mesa


Construction contractors always generate a large amount of scrap metal that can be recycled. The types of scrap metal include wire, pipes, brass, air conditioning units, metals such as copper and lead.

In Arizona, Juniors Recycling buys all types of scrap metal from construction sites, such as scrap metal from demolition contractors, scrap metal from road construction contractors, scrap metal from electrical contractors, and scrap metal from air conditioning and heating contractors.

Generally, they have offer the services of moving the material, whatever it is, their transportation ranges from cranes, forklifts, trailers, tractors and other viable transports to help collect all the waste to be recycled.

In conclusion, recycling in construction is essential, because it generates a very large amount of waste or residues that can be very dangerous for society in general and therefore, for the planet earth.

That is why any construction company that wishes to dispose of waste should first call the companies that provide Mesa construction recycling services, since it is a fundamental process to maintain the environment.

At this point, Juniors Recycling is an excellent option to continue doing good for the environment. Supporting contractors and generating good business within these important processes.

If you want to recycle any waste generated by your construction site, do not hesitate to contact us.

We are your best ally to continue healing the earth that has given us so much, together with recycling in construction.


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