Recycling in buildings: 8 best recyclable materials

recycling in buildings

Recycling in buildings: 8 best recyclable materials

The recycling in buildings is very common in recent times, the construction sector is the most polluted in the world, with 40% of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, it never hurts to think about the materials and systems that we will use to build our houses.

And we have more and more materials at our disposal that have minimal impact on the environment and can replace more easily to traditional materials.

Another interesting fact at material recycling is that it is estimated that the construction industry generates about 1.1 tons of waste per capita per year, with a large amount of recyclable materials.

In this article we have drawn up a small list of recycled materials and products that may be of interest to you when building or renovating our houses or buildings in a more sustainable way with the recycling in buildings.

8 recycled building materials

The recycling in buildings has had great achievements in these materials mentioned below:

1.    Plates

The plates are some of the recycled building materials lightweight, decorative materials that can be produced in a variety of colors (depending on the color of the raw material). It has excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties and, of course, it is 100% recyclable. In addition, it has good dimensional stability (without large deformations) and is weather resistant.

They are products that can be used for different purposes, such as floor and wall coverings, or as acoustic and thermal insulation coating, on which other finishes can later be applied.

2.   floors

Floors are perhaps the most basic and essential part of any space, and like the rest of our houses or buildings, there is a lot to choose from. Many companies specialize in the production of floor coverings from recycled tires and plastic (PET) bottles, which are totally recyclable and also contain no PVC or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

3.    Wheat residue panels

At recycling in buildings exists variety of types of panels with waste generated by agriculture. This residue is used to create some panels with an MDF board. It has higher technical properties in OSB panel. It is used includes a resin for plaque formation.

There are several products of this type that focus on structural strength insulation. Among them we have: Fiber boards and most famous wooden chips, with heat, resistance and water proof wood fiber panels

4.    Wood fiber panels

Increasingly, both professionals and end users realize the importance of insulating their home with wood fiber panels to achieve adequate interior comfort conditions and the highest possible energy efficiency.

recycling in buildings for wood fiber panels

There are many types of insulation on the market, but not all insulation is made from recycled materials. This type of panel is 100% recyclable and compostable insulation that is made from wood fibers from pruning and deforestation. Without a doubt, it is an efficient, economical and sustainable alternative to more traditional insulation used in recycling in buildings.

4.    Wood fiber panels (Multisol)

Exterior insulation systems are currently one of the best methods available to properly insulate a home, what better way than ecological and 100% recyclable insulation? Wood fiber panels are the ideal insulation product to insulate your construction.

5.    decorative mosaics

The recycling in buildings also creates decorative glass coatings that are widely used to cover floors and walls in bathrooms, kitchens, and other rooms in our homes. All type products are made with 100% recycled glass and natural pigments, making the mosaics 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.

recycling in buildings from decorative mosaics

6.    exterior cobblestone

To the recycling in buildings is also credited with new exterior solar packaging system composed of a solar panel protected by a non-slip glass cover and a 100% recycled plastic base.

The pavers are pre-wired so they are very easy to install, just connect the parts and they connect to each other and you don’t need any type of foundation or particularly strong foundation for installation.

Best of all, the LED lighting can be integrated into the tile itself and is powered by energy harvested from solar panels. The system can be used to create open spaces or plazas and provide power without being connected to a grid.

7.    Bricks 

For the recycled building bricks nor investment is required brick industry, since the procedure that the experts follow after receiving the raw material is similar to the procedure to produce any type of block.

Like any other material, is mixed with water, lime or cement and is also used in other industries that obtain these materials as waste. After grinding, it is homogenized in the same equipment and pressed into a mould.

Construction recycling companies

There’s a lot construction recycling companies Arizona are companies become more and more popular every day. There are many reasons why this great alternative has been taken advantage of:

  • Save property costs
  • Minimize waste in landfills
  • Generate profits with building materials
  • Competitive advantage

At Junior Recycling we know the importance of construction recycling, so we can help you and add value to your construction materials. We will help you maximize your waste.

Uses recycled building materials and help preserve the environment while taking care of your pocket. Generate benefits for your company, home or community through the culture of recycling, count on Junior Recycling, we are the best company in recycling in buildings in Arizona.

Contact us now and boost your waste, we are here to help you minimize your operating costs and maximize your profits. We are your best alternative in Arizona, in recycling in buildings.


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