The environment and biodiversity: what does its loss lead to?


The environment and biodiversity: what does its loss lead to?

Find out what the relationship between the environment and biodiversity is and why it is so important to address this issue for the health of our planet.

The environment around us is deteriorating all the time, due to many factors that have made significant changes to the planet. In fact, it is so important to carry out awareness programs so that biodiversity is not consumed by humans.

Both areas are closely related, since they play an extremely important role in the planet, because they provide us with many benefits such as food, water, energy, as well as raw materials for the manufacture of various products.

But, the human being has been abusing ecosystems and therefore, the environment and everything that surrounds it is in danger. In this post, we will see the consequences of the excessive exploitation of ecosystems and how it affects the quality of life of human beings and the globe.

What is the environment?

The environment is all the physical, chemical, biological and other components that together make up the home of all living things. As well as, the space where life is develops on earth.

We can say that the environment is also the set of natural components such as soil, water and air that are located at a particular time and place. Including the social, cultural and natural values, which influence the life of the human being.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity, also called biological diversity, is the great variety of species of animals, fungi, plants and microorganisms. It also includes the ecosystem where these species live, the regions, and the ecological processes.

It plays an essential role in the ecosystem and all the services they provide for life on earth.

Relationship between biodiversity and the environment


Their relationship is very intimate, since it reminds us of the importance of the ecosystem on planet earth. One cannot exist without the other, therefore, we have a great responsibility to protect the environment, so that a variety of animals, plants, microorganisms and other species continue to exist for the sustainability of the earth.

In fact, in the natural system, the loss of diversity caused by human manipulation, such as the expansion of monoculture, the destruction of species and pollution means that the survival of the system is reduced.

If you compare simple systems to different systems, you can see that this last one experiment less change. Although there are periodic fluctuations that occur as natural phenomena, even in stable ecosystems, species suffer periodic losses from which they can recover.

When the community begins to lose diversity and is prone to adapt to this new disturbed environment of the few species, it also loses the capacity for self-regulation. Therefore, if humans are the guides of the earth, then they must maintain species diversity at the highest level, because it is the most important element of self-regulation in the environment.

How to maintain the biodiversity of the environment?

In order to maintain the variety of species in the environment, it is necessary to protect it through the following measures:

– Promote the integration of economic development and the environment.

– Establish a plan to monitor the environment and its flora and fauna.

– Avoid the introduction of exotic species unless they are beneficial and have been thoroughly researched.

– Develop a plan to restore endangered species.

– Implement a forestry policy that prioritizes the continued management of native forests.

– Abandon production technologies that deplete biological resources, soil, air or water.

– Establish a wildlife trade control plan.

– Through zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums and breeding stations, contribute to the reintroduction of species removed from the environment.

– Develop an inventory of natural resources, which should include genes, species, populations and ecosystems.

– Raise awareness of the importance of each component of species diversity, to achieve added value, this will be the best incentive to promote the conservation of resources.

– Species diversity will be protected to the extent that society knows about it, values it and knows how to use it in an intelligent and non-destructive manner.

how maintain biodiversity environment

Climate change and biodiversity loss

Recent climate change has had a major impact on biodiversity and ecosystems in some areas. As climate change intensifies, the negative impacts on ecosystem services in many parts of the world will outweigh the potential benefits, such as longer growing seasons.

On the other hand, climate change is expected to increase the risk of species extinctions, floods, droughts, population declines and epidemics. Many of the drivers of change affecting species diversity are now more influential than in the past and are happening at the same time.

Several threats can have dramatic and unexpected impacts on the environment, because exposure to one threat generally makes a species more vulnerable to other threats.

Thus, factors leading to extinction can be local or global in scope and have direct or long-term effects. For example, the loss of habitat of some species may lead to their rapid extinction, while others may persist for hundreds of years.

What is certain is that the environment is endangered by climate change and thus the diversity of species across the planet.

Companies that help the environment in Mesa

companies help environment mesa

It is commendable to note that there are many companies in the city of Mesa Arizona, which play an important role for the environment. Because they help the community to become aware about the contamination of soil, water and also help them to know and understand the importance of recycling.

On the other hand, there are recycling companies that help the environment with relevant information and recycling services for the community in general to throw away their garbage correctly.

In this way, they help the planet to heal little by little.

In conclusion, we can say that life on the planet depends on many factors and that all of them are extremely important, and that without the diversity of species there is no stable environment and vice versa.

But, there are correct ways to make this a total success and to be able to maintain life on the planet for centuries and centuries more. Remember that if you recycle with Juniors Recycling AZ, you will contribute to clean up the environment.

Don’t put it off until tomorrow and recycle now. Contact us!


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